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Overall Animal Guide

*** NEW changes on prized animals (Jan 2013) *** 
*** NEW Animal Mastery *** (Jan 2013) 

Part 1 - Base
Part 2 - Production
Part 2b - Feedings until prized
Part 3 - Possible drops --> removed
Part 4 - Animal Mastery - Ribbons (click on title)

Recent changes:

- first Pig is here , second Pig in store, already third pig (quest reward)...
- new fertilizer droprate almost done
fertilizer drop rate decreased in all breeds, i'm running new counts (milk, cheese, wool seems to be the same)
- the Fertilizers aren't fixed actually, i'll wait more to make new data, it looks like the new fertilizer droprate will stay lower than before
prized animals on blue ribbon mastered breeds give special product +1, seasonal animals +2

Important changes: 

- Horses: saddles only available with prized animals
- prized animals gives all 18H xp and a special product (fine saddle, swiss cheese, truffle, goat cheese, fine fleece, fine wool, brown egg)

Part 1 - Base

Note: no FB-only animals, data may change anytime on zynga updates!


AnimalsCostBaby bottles neededHarvest TimeFood neededHarvest xpProducts (random drop)Prized Products
Camarillo Horse450001218 hours683 horseshoes + 3 fertilizers1 fine saddle + 135xp
Andalusian Horse3500098 hours14112 horseshoes + 1 fertilizer1 fine saddle + 150xp
Black Arabian Horse22000618 hours1282 horseshoes + 4 fertilizers1 fine saddle + 66xp
Mustang Horse14000918 hours651 horseshoe (3 fertilizers)1 fine saddle + 42xp


AnimalsCostBaby bottles neededHarvest TimeFood neededHarvest xpProducts (random drop)Prized Products
Devon Cow85000153 hours20163 milk (2 cheese, 1 fertilizer)swiss cheese + 150xp
Swiss Cow65000173 hours12103 milk (4 cheese, 4 fertilizers)1 swiss cheese + 150xp
Jersey Cow3500093 hours872 milk (3 cheese, 3 fertilizers)1 swiss cheese + 105xp
Longhorn Cow2000053 hours441 milk (2 cheese, 3 fertilizers)1 swiss cheese + 60xp
Highland CowYogurt Creamery84 hours12143 milk (1 cheese)2 swiss cheese + 100xp


AnimalsCostBaby bottles neededHarvest TimeFood neededHarvest xpProducts (random drop)Prized Products
Yorkshire PigQuest Reward84 hours8202 mud2 truffles + 100 xp
Pink Landrace Pig700084 hours852 mud2 truffles + 100 xp
Black Spotted Ossabaw PigMud Wallow84 hours8142 shale mud2 truffles + xp


AnimalsCostBaby bottles neededHarvest TimeFood neededHarvest xpProducts (random drop)Prized Products
Boer Goat750001515 min1084 milk (1 cheese, 2 fertilizers)1 goat cheese + 150xp
La Mancha Goat550001515 min1083 milk (1 cheese)1 goat cheese + 150xp
Nubian Goat200001015 min852 milk (2 cheese, 2 fertilizers)1 goat cheese + 72xp
Saanen Goat9500515 min431 milk (1 cheese, 2 fertilizers)1 goat cheese + 36xp
Red Goat3000215 min421 milk (1 cheese)1 goat cheese + 45xp


AnimalsCostBaby bottles neededHarvest TimeFood neededHarvest xpProducts (random drop)Prized Products
Lincoln Sheep50000138 hours12134 wool (2 milk, 1 fertilizer)1 fine fleece + 90xp
Katahdin Sheep2750078 hours872 wool (2 milk, 3 fertilizers)1 fine fleece + 83xp
Merino Sheep1950058 hours851 wool (1 milk, 2 fertilizers)1 fine fleece + 59xp
White Sheep900038 hours431 wool (1 milk, 2 fertilizers)1 fine fleece + 35xp
Manx Loaghtan SheepSpinning Wheel88 hours8143 brown wool1 fine fleece + 50xp


AnimalsCostBaby bottles neededHarvest TimeFood neededHarvest xpProducts (random drop)Prized Products
Jackrabbit35000960 min12133 wool (1 fertilizer)1 fine wool + 60xp
Angora Rabbit21000660 min1183 wool (2 fertilizers)1 fine wool + 60xp
White Rabbit12600260 min862 wool (2 fertilizers)1 fine wool + 60xp
Cottontail Rabbit4000260 min431 wool (1 fertilizer)1 fine wool + 35xp


AnimalsCostBaby bottles neededHarvest TimeFood neededHarvest xpProducts (random drop)Prized Products
Black Legorn Chicken20000560 min483 eggs (1 fertilizer)1 brown egg + 60xp
Gold-Laced Cochin Chicken1600085 min983 eggs (3 fertilizers)1 brown egg + 48xp
Rhode Island Red Chicken600035 min642 eggs (1 fertilizer)1 brown egg + 23xp
White Chicken150025 min321 egg1 brown egg + 15xp
Polish Silver Laced ChickenHen House615 min10303 red eggs (3 fertilizers)2 brown eggs + 150xp

Actual Seasonal Animals

AnimalsFeed until prizedBaby bottles neededHarvest TimeFood neededHarvest xpProducts (random drop)Prized Products
Brown Reindeer7068 hours10143 fur2 antler + 135xp
Winter Clydesdale70612 hours10422 horseshoes (1 fertilizer)2 fine saddles + 150xp
Black Nubian Goat50415 min852 milk (2 cheese, 2 fertilizers)2 goat cheese + 150xp
Indian Peacock10084 hours8143 brown feathers2 peacock's plume feather + 100xp
Caramel Pygora Goat100460 min5145 milk (2 fertilizers)2 goat cheese + 100xp
Potbellied Pig4584 hours8212 mud2 truffles + 50 xp
Black Clydesdaleshourshorshoes2 finde saddles + xp
Oaxaca White Tailed Deer4598 hours8212 fur2 fine fur + 50 xp

Note 2: products = base drop, "random drop" = not everytime. also are +1 or +2 extra drops (only on base drops) possible (most animals). More details about this on Part 2.

Note 3: the list is not complete now, working on more...

Part 2 - Production (= what animals drops after feeding) 

actual with new fertilizer droprate

Horses (saddles drops only by feeding prized horses)

AnimalsFeed timesHorseshoes (average)Fertilizers (average)Raw product sell valueAnimal sell valueAnimal buy priceMin. food cost (strawberry=18 coins for 10 feed)Benefittotal xp gained with feeding until prized
Camarillo Horse7522622533900900045000810-2910612
Andalusian Horse6513165196507000350001638-9988724
Black Arabian Horse55111220166504400220001188-2138446
Mustang Horse5059.3448895280014000540-2845254

Cows New fertilizer droprate for Swiss Cow and Devon Cow, coming soon

AnimalsFeed timesMilk (average)Cheese (average)Fertilizers (average)Raw product sell valueAnimal sell valueAnimal buy priceMin. food cost (strawberry=18 coins for 10 feed)Benefittotal xp gained with feeding until prized
Devon Cow902711084463517000850003240-266051455
Swiss Cow1003322367542013000650002160+212601017
Jersey Cow65156.31215737486700035000936+8550464
Longhorn Cow5064584717040400020000360+680205
Highland Cow75226430278102000001620+461901058


AnimalsFeed timesMud (average)Fertilizers (average)Raw product sell valueAnimal sell valueAnimal buy priceMin. food cost (strawberry=18 coins for 10 feed)Benefittotal xp gained with feeding until prized
Yorkshire Pig501010656520000720+78451008
Pink Landrace Pig501010656510007000720+6845254
Black Spotted Ossabaw Pig0+


AnimalsFeed timesMilk (average)Cheese (average)Fertilizers (average)Raw product sell valueAnimal sell valueAnimal buy priceMin. food cost (strawberry=18 coins for 10 feed)Benefittotal xp gained with feeding until prized
Boer Goat6024137.535.32798515000750001080-33095495
La Mancha Goat4012124.20151251100055000720-29595335
Nubian Goat50109.357.330.720751400020000720+4031260
Saanen Goat5061.332301161118009500360+3551155
Red Goat404119.7074256003000288+4737162

Sheep New fertilizer droprate for Lincoln Sheep running

AnimalsFeed timesWool (average)Milk (average)Fertilizers (average)Raw product sell valueAnimal sell valueAnimal buy priceMin. food cost (strawberry=18 coins for 10 feed)Benefittotal xp gained with feeding until prized
Lincoln Sheep803211013747510000500001728-42531053
Katahdin Sheep60149802820210540027500864-2754427
Merino Sheep5070.132.724.79089380019500720-7331255
White Sheep5061.33224.7823718009000360+677153
Manx Loaghtan Sheep45136001700020000648+12520638

Chickens nb: the new average of fertilizers for the cochin chicken (0.86 per feed) is with over 1000 feedings 

AnimalsFeed timesEggs (average)Fertilizers (average)Raw product sell valueAnimal sell valueAnimal buy priceMin. food cost (strawberry=18 coins for 10 feed)Benefittotal xp gained with feeding until prized
Black Legorn Chicken50151159060400020000360-7300405
Gold Laced Cochin Chicken50162.3439738320016000810-3872408
Rhode Island Red Chicken50111.515.7669012006000540+1350203
White Chicken3541.9025142001500198+101672
Polish Silver Laced Chicken100301543612060000not buyable1800+343203006


AnimalsFeed timesWool (average)Fertilizers (average)Raw product sell valueAnimal sell valueAnimal buy priceMin. food cost (strawberry=18 coins for 10 feed)Benefittotal xp gained with feeding until prized
Angora Rabbit55172.718.3155434200210001089-2346486
White Rabbit50110.226.79918240012600540-822254
Cottontail Rabbit5061.620.355448004000270+2074152

Note 4: this are data I collected myself, you may have different numbers: random drops variations.
Note 5: Neighbours helping usually counts for the total harvest, but on the long term there are not better drops than in normal case
Note 6: fertilizers are not included in the calculation as it can be used for many different seeds or trees. the "benefit" gives only an estimation about how the minimal balance could be after the cycle buy-harvest-sell. crafting the products will of course reduce the "coins-loss" or add to the total gain.
Note 7: "feed times" = how many times you have to feed the animal until going prized
Note 8: neighbours feeding prized animals gives you the new prized products (fine saddle, swiss cheese, goat cheese, fine fleece, fine wool, brown egg; +xp)

Part 2b - Feedings until prized

- before your animal get prized you can see a warning window for the 10 last feedings (most animals).
- exceptions: White Chicken 7, Black Leghorn Chicken 20, Red Goat 8, Boer Goat 15, Brown Reindeer 20, Indian Peacock 35.

Part 3 - Possible drops for each animal --> removed

Note 9: sometimes you don't see all the different products (for example 1 milk instead of 2 or 3), but they are added in your inventory

Part 4 - Animal Mastery - Ribbons


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